Saturday, 25 May 2013

And so I did it again, 
I didn't stop to think, 
I didn’t stop to talk
Knowing that karma will catch up with me one way or another, 
 As I did another abortion.

This fiction was written for Trifextra: Week Sixty-nine.

This weekend we are asking for a thirty-three word confession.  You’re free to write non-fiction or fiction or to blur the lines in between.  We just encourage you to get creative and give us your best.


  1. I guess it doesn't get easier the second time.

  2. this is a painful truth for many. :(

    touching confession

  3. In speaking with those who have experienced this fear (most especially when they later become pregnant and fear they will lose their child because of past decisions), I find it important to relay to them that I always count Grace more powerful & sufficient than Karma. Peace, -j
