Tuesday, 26 February 2013

Laughter as a coping mechanism

Laughter as a coping mechanism

Cheers to Jennifer Lawrence who fell at the Oscars and took it in great stride. After taking a moment to gather herself she laughed and for that I adore her.
Laughter in such situations softens the embarrassment and allows other people not to feel so bad. Not everyone can master the art of using laughter as a good weapon, When you have no idea what to do in an awkward situation, or you are the awkward situation, laughter is usually your best bet, you could literally confuse people with it and believe me am talking from experience, I went for an interview and I kept smiling and laughing even though I was saying absolute rubbish, and I got picked for the next stage, my laughter or ‘animated behavior” as my interviewer termed it made me memorable (note: do not try that in an interview, I was just lucky) to Jennifer’s plight I am very familiar, I have fallen exactly twice in my unspent life, one in my university cafeteria and another at my cousin’s wedding, both times I fell and found myself laughing hysterically by doing that I do feel bad that I fell cause hello!! the shoes are always the killers but I don’t make the whole world feel bad for me and I allow people to laugh with or at me, which ever they choose but the main thing is getting up quickly after the fall. Congrats Jennifer for your Oscar award and for making it memorable with your fall.

Quote of the day

Don’t ever forget how to laugh, or be proud to cry, it is by doing both that one lives life to the fullest’

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